Left to right; Top to Bottom: Cookout at Greco’s home; Fall New Members; Community Space Art Show: Being There with Asher Imtiaz; First Service back at Waters; Robert Stuart, our Waters security guard, surprised LSPC with lunch; Youth Bridge Builders trip with Sunshine Gospel Mission; Spring Day of Service; Will picking up turkeys for Waters School; Nathan helping with Kids’ Week; Boys at Kids’ Week at Gross Park; Cookout at Shepard’s home; and Lucas enjoying Kids’ Week.

2022 End-of-Year Gift

Dear LSPC Family,

We are writing to ask you to consider giving a special End of Year Gift to Lincoln Square Presbyterian Church. Online giving and other giving options are available through our website.

After the uncertainties of the last couple of years, LSPC faces significant challenges in our current financial year. We face a projected $100,000 shortfall. To date, our projected expenses are $480,000 and our projected gifts are $380,000. Along with keeping the LSPC community aware, we have set up the Welcome and Worship Fund (to address property needs) and we are asking you to consider an End of Year Gift.

End-of-Year Gifts are crucial in supporting our church community while enabling us to serve our neighbors and work with our mission partners. Historically, December giving makes up about 20% of our congregational giving.

We are thankful for the generosity of the LSPC community. Here are just a few of the ways your gifts have been used in 2022:

Sunday Morning Worship: After the provision of worship space at the Nazarene Church building we returned to renting Waters Elementary School!

Benevolence Fund: Over the past year, the Deacons have given out nearly $10,000 to members of the LSPC community and neighbors facing needs or hardship.

Youth Ministry and Children’s Ministry: Your gifts provide curriculum and creative crafts. Along with weekly classes, Kids’ Week at Gross Park and the recent Youth Retreat in Wisconsin were great events for our children and youth!

Thanksgiving Gifts for Waters School: Since 2010, LSPC has given baskets to families in need from the Waters community. We provided 19 baskets this year!

Special Gift to Friendship Center (LSFC): Along with our volunteering and ministry partnership with our local food pantry, your special gifts provided a new stove!

Will you continue this generosity with a special End of Year Gift to LSPC? This is a great time to start giving or to give in addition to your regular giving.

On behalf of the Deacons and Elders, 

Will Atkins and Adrian Tabangay