At Lincoln Square Presbyterian Church, we believe in the good news of God’s grace that God in Christ by the power of His Spirit is remaking us into new women and new men who look like Jesus.
Many questions emerge as God’s people seek to participate in God’s work in the world in light of this gospel of God’s grace. How do I love my neighbor? What does it mean to identify with my neighborhood? Why should I be generous with my resources? What claim does Jesus make on my vocation and work?
Christian Education is one space at LSPC where we seek to engage these questions. Christian Education classes occur for five weeks in the fall leading up to Advent and in the winter/spring during the season of Lent. The classes meet from 9:00 to 10:00am at Waters School before the worship service.
Recent Classes
Lent Adult Christian Education Class, February 25 to March 18
God's Messiah in the Old Testament (Taught by Andy Abernethy, OT Professor at Wheaton College)
"Christ" isn't Jesus' last name. Jesus is the Christ because he is considered to be the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah in accordance with Old Testament expectations. But, what are the Old Testament's expectations for a coming Messiah? Why are there so few specific references concerning a coming king within the Old Testament? This class is designed to help you grasp how the Messiah fits into God's mission with the Old Testament story line. As a result, you will better understand Jesus as the Messiah.
There will be nursery child care for children through age 4 and Sunday School class for older children.
Children's Sunday School (ages 5-9), February 25 to March 18 from 9 to 10 a.m.
God’s Covenant Fulfilled Through Christ includes lessons from Hearts Alive by New Growth Press.
Older Kids Class (ages 9-12)
Prophet, Priest, and King will be a time to explore the three offices of Christ, how Christ fulfilled each office, and why they help us to better worship the Son of God.
Some of the previous Christian Education classes include:
"Reading the Story of Scripture"
"Practicing Hope: Praying with the Psalms"
"Open Hands From a Full Heart: Living the Generous Gospel"
"Hospitality and Strangers"
"Fear: Our Loves, God's Grace, and Fearing Rightly"
For more information contact Pastor Chad.