Listening and Responding to Racial Injustice
What are we to make of the events that have engulfed our nation and city over this past month? The killing of George Floyd and its aftermath have brought feelings of confusion, frustration, guilt, or resentfulness and many others. In the midst of this, we hear many different voices - voices calling for justice, voices calling for order, voices questioning what these events mean.
It is important for us to look at recent events and consider how the Spirit is leading us into a new understanding and new ways of being. To this end, LSPC is engaging a helpful resource:
The Color of Compromise discussion. Contact the LSPC office with questions or for Zoom information. To learn more about the book and video series, follow this link.
In addition to the Color of Compromise discussion, we encourage you to consider these resources:
June 3 Service of Prayer and Lament - LSPC joined with Boulevard and Covenant Presbyterian for a time of prayer and lament.
Past LSPC Class: Envisioning A Kingdom Gospel: Racial Sin, the Gospel, and the Kingdom of God
We are seeking, by God's Spirit of reconciliation, to respond to the Gospel with love for our neighbors. With lament, we recognize the divisions within our city and the Church. In hope, we testify to the power of God to break down walls of hostility.