Easter at LSPC
Lent means “spring.” It is a period in the life of Godʼs people to intentionally prepare for Holy Week, marking the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Our preparation includes reflection on our need, repentance of sins, and acts of charity. This preparation is in light of the promise of atonement and new life in Jesus.
The Lent season starts with Ash Wednesday (February 14) and continues until Palm Sunday (March 25). Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week (and the celebration of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter).
We hope you will join us for our special services this season. All services will take place at Waters Elementary School and childcare (0-3 year old) will be provided.
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14 • 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 29 • 7:00pm
Good Friday Service
Friday, March 30 • 7:00pm
Easter Morning Service
Sunday, April 1 • 10:15am