Online Gatherings
We have created a schedule for online church life. Each of these events can be accessed through Zoom. Below is the schedule with links and the contact person for questions. I hope you will take advantage of these offerings. If you are having problems using these meetings, please contact the church office (773-677-7782).
The Color of Compromise - Wednesdays (6/26-8/5, 7:30) We are offering a summer discussion on The Color of Compromise. This book (and accompanying video lessons through Amazon Prime) was written/created by Jemar Tisby. This is a helpful resource for us to examine injustice and how the American Church has compromised what the Bible teaches about human dignity and equality. Contact Pastor Chad with questions or for Zoom information.
Women's Study - Beginning Thursday, June 25 Join the Women's Study group in reading Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen. We'll meet 3 times this summer starting Thursday, June 25 at 8 p.m. Contact Erin Henning with any questions.
If you are interested in learning more about our Sunday afternoon Youth Group gatherings on zoom, please contact us.
LSPC Small Groups are meeting during this time through Zoom. If you would like to join a group or learn more about small groups, please contact Pastor Brian.