Readings on the Protestant Reformation
/This October marks the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. Remembering Martin Luther nailing 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church is a chance to reflect on the Reformation - What was it? What did Luther, Calvin and other reformers teach? Does it still matter for today?
Below are a variety of readable resources that I have found helpful...
Calvin Theological Seminary 500 Years of the Reformation Forum
Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers: 95 Key Events, People & Issues, by Donald K. McKim
Does the Reformation Still Matter? (Calvin Shorts), by Karen Maag
The Logic of Calvin's Reform, by Michelle Sanchez (Christian Century)
Walking in the Way of Grace with Martin Luther, Gospel Coalition podcast
The One Must-Read Book For Reformation 500, from the Gospel Coalition blog
John Huss, Christian History Magazine. John Huss was one of a number of reformers prior to the Reformation.
Our 95 Theses: Hispanic Perspectives on the Protestant Reformation
Article on Protestant - Roman Catholic dialogue: